When your workflow encounters an issue with an integration—such as a broken cookie or an outdated API key—your job will be paused.
To resume the job, you'll need to resolve the integration issue (like refreshing your LinkedIn cookies) and then retry the paused job.
In other words, if you notice your job is paused, it means it’s up to you to take action and fix the problem.
Step by Step
In the Activity section, on each account, you’ll be able to see if they have pending actions or not.
Here, my account doesn’t need any action on my end:
Here, my account has pending actions:
If I click on “See pending jobs”, I will see the jobs using this account that need an action on my end and will be able to retry them all at once:
I can discard the retry with the button at the bottom, which will put my job into “stopped” status.
Or I can click on “refresh account and resume selected executions”, I will get my account updated automatically if I have the extension or manually if I don’t have it and the selected job will resume on its own.
Once I made the appropriate actions on my account, it will go back to its initial state: