Kaspr has redesigned its system to fetch emails and phone numbers. We have adapted it exactly as stated in their API V2 documentation. If anything is unclear, I strongly recommend contacting their support. 👩💻
What's new?
You have now the possibility to select Required Data & Extract Data (Optional).
When selecting one of the three required Data, two, or all of them, Kaspr will only enrich the leads having this information.
When selecting "Extract Phone, Work email, and/or Direct email", Kaspr will enrich with one or the other or both if Kaspr founds it in their end.
What does it mean exactly?
- DatatoGet (Optional Data) is not applying any mandatory information to the API it means that if you apply workemail and phone, it will still fetch and give you one of the two information.
If you apply the same to required Data, it will retrieve the information only if it matches both conditions, workemail and phone.
What happens if I check the three required boxes? Does it only provide leads with the three required data, or can I retrieve the data if we find either one of the three?
If you apply two/three types of required data, Kaspr will only enrich the leads that have both/third pieces of information.
And what happens if I add the optional (Extract) on top of it?
If on top of these conditions, you add the same in optional it won't really affect the result since it is the same conditions.
What happens if I don't tick required data & only Optional Data (Extract)?
You can only tick optional data, of course.
If you put two conditions in this case, Kaspr will enrich with one or the other or both if we have it from our end.