There are two reasons you might want to stop a job:
- You made a mistake
- Very occasionally, it happens that your job stays stuck on a running state
If you want to stop a job or if your job is still running after a day, you can stop the job and relaunch it.
Stop the job
You can stop / pause a job that is running & retry it later if you want, directly from the workflow history page where there are all main jobs. Actions > Stop Job
Retry the job
The fastest way to retry a stopped job is to click on the banner Action Required under a job stopped from the workflow history page where they are all the main jobs:
This will redirect you to the configuration, which you will be able to update to make your corrections (you can see on the top-left that you are in retry-mode):
Once you corrected your configuration, hit the retry button.
Stop a specific step
Head over to the job details by clicking on a job card.
Then, click on the step card to open the side navigation and click on Actions > "Stop Job":
Retry a specific step
You also have the option to retry a specific step, either because you stopped it or encountered a warning error. To do so, simply click on the corresponding job card to view its details:
Which opens a right-side navigation menu:
In case of an Error, you can click on "click to see more details" then, "Fix & Resume[...]":
If it was stopped, you must click on Actions > Retry
For both ways, you will be redirected to the configuration, which you can retry.