A workflow can be executed at a specific date and frequency: for example, every Tuesday at 8pm.
A schedule is a workflow job planned to be executed in the future.
There's two-way to access your schedules, either from the Activity Schedules tab:
Or directly from a specific workflow under Schedules:
Create a schedule
To create a schedule, you should create a New Configuration from a workflow page.
Once on the configuration, go to the floating launch bar at the bottom, open it and click on "Job settings":
You can run a schedule as fast as every minute, although it's very rare you'll need it!
You can either decide to launch the schedule now or custom your launch settings.
- If you select now with the repeat option, the workflow will launch every time as the time you'll click launch: so if you're Tuesday, 10am, and you select Run every 1 day, the next time the workflow will run will be on Wednesday at 10am.
- If you select launch later, the workflow will launch at the date you specified as starting point
Eligible times
With those parameters, you can select a time slot to precise when you authorize the workflow to operate.
For example, you might want to run your workflow every Mondays during working hours:
Be careful! If you set an eligible times that do not match with your “launch later” or “launch now” settings.
Examples of frequent issues
- It's Monday, and you want to launch your workflow now but set in the eligible times only to run your workflow on Thursdays. Because of that, your workflow will not launch now.
- You set a Launch later for a specific date at 8 pm, but in the eligible times you tell the workflow to run only during working hours (9to5pm).
You can select a specific timezone in the Eligible times settings.
The default time zone being Europe/Paris — we suggest you to edit the timezone depending on your country for more accurate results and scheduling predictability.
Note: We have an additional article, Launcher settings that might prove useful.
Enable and disable schedules
You can disable and enable schedules at any time by toggling the following button:
Edit a schedule
To edit your schedule, click on Actions > Edit Schedule:
Delete a schedule
To remove a schedule, click on Actions > Delete:
You will be prompted a validation modal:
Delete multiple schedules
Whether you're on the activity feed or on a specific workflow, you can delete multiple schedules at once:
Use case: Run & repeat a job
If you want to run your workflow now and set it to repeat at a specific time each day.
The best way to do this, is to launch your workflow now with no launch settings, then duplicate this one by putting, this time, the launch settings, as shown here in this guide flow:
Note: The Schedules you just created will appear under the Schedules Tab of this workflow. As the job will be launched only the next day, you will not see it yet in your History tab until it is launched.