This can be done through the 'Get a job' endpoint. In the response, the 'status' field is returned, which will contain one of the following values:
- running: the job is running
- shutdown: automation triggered an error, which is generally a technical error retrieved from a 3rd-party API or on our end
- pending: the job is waiting to be launched
- stopped: the user has stopped manually the job
- warning: automation triggered a warning, which is generally a functional error, like an invalid cookie or a bad input. If you have a job in a warning state, you can retry it using the 'Retry a job' endpoint.
- finished: success 🎉 This triggers a success webhook.
For further information, check out the Captain Data API v3 doc'.
How to get the Job UID
You will need it when using the v3 of the API:
via API
Using the API endpoint: GET
By providing your workflow UID, you can list all the jobs available for this specific workflow of the last two months & get the data shown below, for each of them:
via Platform
To get it through the platform, go to the main job of your choice and click on Actions > Copy Job ID:
OR, inside the job: JOB ID:
Once you have this jobUID, you can use it to:
Retry a Job if Pending/Paused/Warning/or Shutdown
Cancel a Job if still Running/Pending/Paused/Warning/or Shutdown