This feature is useful when:
- you want to test your automation processes without having to launch another workflow
- verify that your webhooks get triggered
How-to use the retry webhook feature
You can easily do so by going to one of your workflows and click on the “Webhooks” section:
There, you will see the retry section under your webhook setup:
In order to retry your webhook, click on “Retry webhook”. This will open a modale in which you will precise your job ID to retry this specific job:
To find your job ID, go to the job your are retrying the webhook for and click on “Copy job ID”:
Then, paste it in the corresponding field and hit the “Retry” button:
Your process will be able to continue without any hassle 💪.
Important note
- If you want to retry a success or warning job, you need to retry the webhook that has event type “Succeeded”
- If you want to retry a stopped or shutdown job, you need to retry the webhook that has the event type “Failed”